www.dandonovan.co.uk - Dan is our photographer, Designer and, most of all, friend! We display his work at the studio and if you need a quote for album sleeves/ videos or any photography work, he comes highly recommended.

www.oilbugmusic.com - It's our record label. Check out our fantastic artists.

www.thetvb.co.uk - Our friendly, local TV Company. Specialising in advertising and infomercials and all other TV work.

www.willowfestival.org.uk - We're proud to be involved with one of the biggest free festivals in Europe, Peterborough's Willow Festival.

www.aaa-design.com - The knowledgeable people at Recording Architecture who designed our studio.

www.jigsaw24.com - Our main equipment supplier. Ever helpful and great value!

www.elmehall.co.uk/rockandblues - Elme Hall is Our Local Venue. Always supportive for our Hangout gigs and a venue that truely loves thier music..


If you would like to be added to this list, don't be shy!


Previous Clients include-

Cymande - Rebelation - Burning Codes (featuring J. Quinn - Snow Patrol) - Rattleshack - King Kool - Faintest Idea - Mashasha - Jakarta Club - Kenworthy - Captain Black No Stars - I Am The Dice - Bus Stop Madonnas - Neil Cousin - Shake Hands Eric - Maisie-Mae - Lexie Green - Officer Gotcha - The Telephones - Under The Influence - Angry Man - Rachel Stott - Downham Market Community Choir - Lifesong Songwriting Worshops - Matt McChlery - The Television Business - Ink Pixel Films / Mark Noyce